Pre-Talent Mobility

Preparation Program to Support Scientific, Technological and Innovative Personnel from University and Public Research Institutions for Competency Enhancement of the Private Sector (Pre-Talent Mobility)

Pre-TM Program occurred from the collaboration between National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Office (STI) and Thai Industrial Creation Research and Development Supporting Network (THICRER), operated by Company Research and Development Center - Facilitation Center (CRD-FC), aiming to support the researchers in the university and government research center. Starting from familiarizing and participating with private sector, the program’s target is the medium-large company or the company with technological availability for development or research and development availability in order to create the technological transfer, exchange of experience and knowledge as well as adjust the working attitude of personnel from any organizations to achieve the efficient research and development after the end of project. The support will be provided to the research team not exceeding 6 months in order to prepare the availability before further development.

Pre-TM Program plans to support the network creation for experienced and new researchers as well as the collaboration between students in any degrees. A project manager who is an expert able to pass on his/her experience on working with private sector will be in charge and create the framework with the private sector and support the network creation for new generation of lecturers with no experience on working with the private sector, and also for students in any degrees. Each project must clearly have the goal for each subproject that the project will lead to the collaboration between the researcher and private sector in the future.

How to participate in the program


Download more Document:

- Pre-TM_Program Application_Form
- Pre-TM_Program Detail


Company Research and Development Center - Facilitation Center (CRD-FC)
9th Floor, Sirindhorn International Thai-German Graduate School of Engineering (TGGS)
King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB)
No. 1518 Pracharat 1 Road, Wong Sawang Subdistrict, Bang Sue District, Bangkok 10800

Tel: +66 2150 9560 Fax: +66 2150 9560
